

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago


May 17th - 18th, 2008

Googleplex, Mountain View, CA



Vote for your favorite Day 2 Lightning Talk



Historical Record of Documented Sessions from WhereCamp2008


Now that WhereCamp2008 May 17/18 at the Google Campus is over here is a list of the sessions that were documented and some of the related materials that came out of the event:  WhereCamp2008Sessions




What is WhereCamp?


WhereCamp is the unconference for geo hackers and social cartographers and all kinds of folks interested in place. Last year we brought together developers, artists, academics for a two day day extended discussion where the session planning was done by the participants themselves on site. People presented on topics ranging from local food to mashing google street view with yahoo upcoming, to openlayers to open street maps. Yahoo even presented FireEagle for the first time. This year we're going to do the same; get together for two days, have truly in depth conversations that get beyond the conference format, present our ideas, provide feedback and support for other peoples ideas and generally get to know each other better. This year we're doing it at the Google Campus, but otherwise expectations remain the same: no fee for entry, participants are expected to participate, free food and making the event whatever we can of it.


How exactly do I get to WhereCamp 2008?


WhereCamp2008 is going to held the weekend after Where2.0, May 17-18 at the Googleplex. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA (map) . Google has stepped up to be a gracious sponsor and host and is going to give us the run of the house for the weekend. We're all excited as the Googleplex is going to make for a great environment for the second annual WhereCamp. A big community thanks to Google!


The exact location is the Google Cafeteria May 17th and 18th @ 1685 Charleston Road, Mountain View California. Click on the following to get quick driving directions from San Francisco , Oakland , San Jose . Alaska Air has good regional rates up and down the west coast as well. Here is a guide on different choices for getting to the campus including mass transit (unfortunately very little of). As well please feel free to post to this WhereCamp 2008 ride-sharing page to share ride opportunities with other people already heading in that direction.


Dusty reports that parking for WhereCamp will be HERE.





Also see http://twitter.com/wherecamp


May 12th 2008. Where 2.0 is ramping up. Dusty reports that parking for WhereCamp will be HERE.


May 2nd 2008. We now have 360 t-shirts on their way; all sponsor logos and longitude latitude emblazoned!


April 29th 2008. Google is going to provide free tent schwag for people who want to stay overnight. Please leave room in your pack to take one home since we have 300 of these!


April 25nd 2008. We checked out the event location (1625 ~ 1685 Charleston Road Mountain View) and it's a great space; very hackeresque with a big central space and a bunch of smaller meeting rooms off to the side, as well as a great grassy outdoor area.


What is the schedule?


Friday, May 16th 2008



Nothing formal planned for this evening - however a few folks may be in town and if you want to get together - if so please see or add to WhereCamp2008 Friday Informal or friend your twitter feed with WhereCamp Twitter Friends .


Saturday, May 17 2008


07:00 - 11:00 pm : Evening activities; collaborative project hacking, music, BBQ?, food, coffee, conversation, staying up late, werewolf?, anything goes

11:00 - 05:00 am : Camping on campus, either indoors with just a sleeping bag or outdoors with free tent, or just stay up all night and hack!


Sunday, May 18 2008


Schedule Grid & Map


09:00 - 09:30 am : Breakfast again!

09:30 - 10:00 am : Morning Circle #2 where people can stand up and say what sessions they would like to host and then post them on the board.

11:00 - 12:45 pm : Sessions

01:00 - 02:00 pm : Lunch

02:00 - 04:30 pm : More Sessions - including 'speed geeking' where we'll get people into one room and have lots of small 20 slide style presentations.

04:30 - 05:00 pm : We're going to look to do something special here; such as perhaps a prize or a speaker to make Sunday a special day.

05:00 - 06:00 pm : Closing circle; talking about what we learned, talking about the future, cleaning up and heading home.



Schedule Grid & Map




Tag your photos wherecamp2008 on flickr & upcoming:event=422904




How do I register?


This year we will be handling all of our registration through our WhereCamp CrowdVine page.


If you are interested in attending, you can quickly create a new account (even using OpenID) and fill out the basic info. This will help us get an idea of how many will be attending and give users a great way to connect before and after the event. Please upload a pic of yourself and fill out the forms with real information so we can get a good idea of what people are interested in hearing and talking about.


Please see:


WhereCamp Crowdvine Registration





We are happy to announce that there will be actual camping again at this years WhereCamp! A big part of last years event was the late night hacking and collaborating that went on and we really want to help promote that again this year. Google has been gracious enough to even provide tents for attendees this year that want to stay overnight. To help keep the night going you can count on a dedicated caffeine station and snack machines for all your late-night needs. A big thanks to Google - when making your plans hopefully you can save yourself a night of lodging costs and come camp with us at the googleplex!




We are looking for sponsors for the event. If you are interested please contact Ryan (rsarver at skyhookwireless).


Confirmed Sponsors (thanks! :)




Thanks to all the wherecampers for all of your support, participation and enthusiasm!


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