

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Hey all, 


Didn't want to sit on this one any longer!


We're pleased to report that Yahoo has offered us space and catering at the Yahoo Campus in Sunnyvale on the June 2/3 weekend for a free WhereCamp un-conference.


This is after Where 2.0 and before Digital Earth 2007 which means a potentially hugely energetic overlap of diverse interests ranging from newbies, web 2.0 and mobile developers, social place hackers and artists to grad students, geographers, earth scientists and people focused on humanitarian and environmental efforts. 


We also need a logo if you have any ideas. 


Some background: WhereCamp is spurred by earlier chatter to the geowanking list.  The offer for space coming from folks at Yahoo including Leonard Lin and Joshua Schachter and planning help from Kaliya Hamlin @ IdentityWoman, Brady Forrest @ O'Reilly and Tim Foresman @ Digital Earth as well as others; all of whom helped make it possible. 


Ryan Sarver @ skyhookwireless and I offer to co-facilitate.  The actual event; what sessions there are; that's up to all of us.  If there's a burning idea that you want to explore with group feedback, any project that you or your posse would like to demo, projects that you would like to hack on with others, geo-games you want to play, please feel free to take this as an opportunity to do so.  We personally see this as a collectively owned event; and hope to see it reflect the deepest will and sensibilities of the diverse geo-enthusiast communities that we're privileged to be a part of. 


We'll kick-off at 10:00 AM Saturday morning June 2 with quick intros and session planning. Try attend the kicker so we can plan together and so that everybody has the same understanding.  Then we go straight through to Sunday evening - bring a sleeping bag!  We'll make food appear and probably beer too. 


See the wiki below and register by adding yourself to the registration page.  Feel free to obfuscate your email address but please try list it.  Registration will help plan for things like food, t-shirts and sponsor budgets: 







If you're editing the wiki; the password is 'where'. 


Note; when bookmarking; try to bookmark ' wherecamp.org' based links (Ryan and I are still evaluating a couple of different wiki and registration solutions). 


Save the date!  See u there!


 - Ryan ( rsarver@skyhookwireless.com - 617 763 9904 )


 - Anselm (anselm@hook.org - 415 215 4856 ) 


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